Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/437

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only a subsequent insertion; so also יִשְׂרָאֵל Jos 8b (cf. LXX), 2 S 20, 2 K 7, הַמֶּ֫לֶךְ 1 S 26 after הַחֲנִיה (simplified by the Masora to חֲנִית Qe); עֲלִיַּת אָחָז 2 K 23, אַשּׁוּר Is 36 (cf. 2 K 18), הַקֹּדֶשׁ Ez 46 (unless the article with לשכות is to be omitted), also הַתָּמִיד Dn 8, and עֹדֵד הַנָּבִיא 2 Ch 15. In Ex 9 read with the Samaritan לְמִיּוֹם; in 2 S 19 לֶ֫כֶת might possibly be taken in apposition to לְמִן הַיּוֹם; in 2 K 10 restore אֶת־בְּנֵי, with the LXX and Lucian, before אַחְאָב; in 2 K 25 omit the article, as in Jer 52, before סֹפֵר.

 [g A similar ellipse must also be assumed in 2 K 23 the sepulchre is the sepulchre of the man of God (but most probably קֶבֶר has dropped out after הַקֶּבֶר) and ψ 123 (cf., however, the LXX, and observe that in the parallel member the genitive is paraphrased by לְ).—In Jos 3 הַבְּרִית (verse 17 בְּרִית יהוה) has been added to the original הָֽאָרוֹן by a redactor; cf. similar syntactically impossible additions in verse 11 (also in 1 S 4, &c., where the LXX still had simply אֲרוֹן יהוה); in הַיְחַד Ju 16 the Masora evidently combines two different readings הַיָּחֵד and יְתַד הָאֶרֶג; and similarly in Jer 25 (where הָאָ֫רֶץ was only subsequently introduced into the text), the two readings הַמַּמְלָכוֹת and מַמְלְכוֹת הָא׳ are combined.—In Jos 8, 1 K 14, Jer 31, Ez 45 the article, being usual after כָּל־, has been mechanically added, and so also in 2 Ch 8 after עַד־; in 2 K 9 the second הַנַּ֫עַד (instead of נַ֫עַר) is occasioned by the first; in Ez 7 מְהוּמָה belongs as a nominative to what follows; in Ez 8 the meaning perhaps is in the chambers, in the house of the Lord, or the article is to be omitted; in 1 Ch 15 the text is manifestly corrupt.

 [h Of another kind are the instances in which a determinate noun is followed by a definition of the material in apposition (hence, not in the genitive; cf. § 131), e.g. Zc 4 הָאֶ֫בֶן הַבְּדִיל the weight, the lead, i.e. the leaden weight; Ex 39, 2 K 16 (הַנְּח֫שֶׁת, both here and in verse 17, is probably only a later addition, while המסגרות המכנות in verse 17 has arisen from a confusion of two readings, מסגרות המכנות and המסגרות מֵהמכנות). In Jer 32 also הַמִּקְנָה (unless the article is simply to be omitted) is in apposition to הַסֵּפֶר.

 [i (b) Before a noun with a suffix (which likewise represents a determinate genitive; see above, at the beginning of this section). This does not apply to cases in which a verbal (i.e. accusative) suffix is affixed to a participle which has the article, e.g. הַמַּכֵּ֫הוּ Is 9, the one smiting him; in Dt 8, 13 also ךָ is a verbal suffix, but hardly the וֹ in הָֽעֹשׂוֹ for הָֽעֹשֵׂ֫הוּ Job 40, nor the ־ָהּ in הַיֹּֽלְדָהּ Dn 11; § 116 g. For הָֽעֶרְכְּךָ Lev 27, read עֶרְכְּךָ as in verses 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, &c., twelve times (but cf. also the note on § 128 d).—Of the remaining examples כַּגְּבִרְתָּהּ Is 24 (probably an intentional alliteration with the eleven other words beginning with כַּ‍), לַמַּֽעֲנֵ֫הוּ Pr 16, and בֶּֽעָרֵ֫ינוּ (so Baer, following the best authorities) Ezr 10, rest only on the authority of the Masoretes, not of the authors. So also in הָאָֽהֳלִי Jos 7, הַֽחֶצְיוֹ Jos 8 (previously חֶצְיוֹ), הֶהָֽרוֹתֶ֫יהָ 2 K 15 (dittography of the ה), the article is simply to be omitted as syntactically impossible; the ו of הַדָּבְרוֹ Mi 2 is the copula belonging to the next word.