Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/446

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Cf. also מִיּוֹם א׳ followed by a perfect in 1 S 29, and יְמֵי א׳ Lv 13, Nu 9.[1]

 [d (4) When it governs independent sentences (cf. § 155), which virtually stand to the construct state (as nomen regens) in a sort of genitive relation, e.g. Ex 4 בְּיַד־תְּשְׁלָח prop. by the hand of him whom thou wilt send; Nu 23 דְּבַר מַה־יַּרְאֵ֫נִי the matter of that which he shall show me, i.e. whatever he shall; Is 29 קִרְיַת חָנָה דָוִד the city where David encamped; Jer 48, ψ 16 (if the text be right), 65:5 (Pr 8), ψ 81, Jb 18 the place of him that knoweth not God; Jb 29, La 1 (if the text be right) into the hands of those against whom I cannot stand.[2] In Gn 39 (כָּל־יֶשׁ־לוֹ) the כָּל־ takes after it a noun-clause, and in Ex 9, still more boldly, a subst. with לְ.—Very often a time-determination governs the following sentence in this way; thus אַֽחֲרֵי followed by a perfect, Lv 25, 1 S 5; בְּיוֹם ψ 102 (before a noun-clause), Ex 6, Nu 3, Dt 4, 2 S 22, ψ 18, 59, 138 (in every case before a following perfect), ψ 56 (before an imperfect); מִיּוֹם followed by the perfect, Jer 36; כָּל־יְמֵי Lv 14, 1 S 25, Jb 29 (כִּימֵי as in the days when...[3]; cf. כִּימוֹת and שְׁנוֹת before a perfect, ψ 90); בְּעֵת before a perfect, Jer 6 (cf. 49:8, 50:31); before an imperfect, Jb 6; תְּחִלַּת before a perfect Ho 1.

 [e (5) Connected with a following word in apposition; certainly so in such cases as בְּתוּלַת בַּת־צִיּוֹן the virgin, the daughter of Zion, Is 37; cf. 23:12, Jer 14; also 1 S 28 אֵ֫שֶׁת בַּֽעֲלַת־אוֹב a woman, possessor of a soothsaying spirit; cf. Dt 21.—Gn 14, Ju 19 (but read probably אֲנָשִׁים with Moore, as in Dt 13, Ju 20, 1 K 21); 2 K 10, 17 Qe; Jer 46, ψ 35 (?), 78:9, Jb 20 b (unless נַֽהֲרֵי or נַֽהֲלֵי be a gloss).

 [f Rem. Some of the above passages may also be explained by supposing that there exists a real genitive relation towards the preceding construct state, which has been, as it were, provisionally left in suspenso, in consequence of the insertion of some interrupting word, e.g. Is 37, &c.; Jb 20 a. Elsewhere (Dt 33, ψ 68) the nomen regens probably governs the following construct state directly.[4]

  1. In Dt 23 the construct state governs a sentence introduced by the conjunction אֲשֶׁר (עַל־דְּבַר אֲשֶׁר by reason of the fact that, i.e. because); so also in 1 S 3.
  2. Probably Gn 22 is also to be so explained (contrary to the accents), and certainly (contrary to the very unnatural division of the verses) 2 Ch 30, which should read on thus: יְהֹוָה הַמּוֹב יְכַפֵּר בְּעַד כָּל־לְבָבוֹ הֵכִין the good Lord pardon every one that setteth his heart to seek God. [See Wickes’ Accontuation of the Twenty-one Prose Books of the Old Testament, p. 140.]
  3. Cf. Na 2 מִימֵי הִיא, usually explained to mean from the days that she hath been, but the text is evidently very corrupt.
  4. So also Is 28 a corner stone of the preciousness (יִקְרַת is a substantive not an adjective) of a fixed foundation, i.e. a precious corner stone of surest foundation.—In 2 S 20 the text is wholly corrupt; in ψ 119 read כָּל־פִּקּוּדֶ֫יךָ.