Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Hooper.djvu/96

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restored to health. Then once again she desired to throw herself from the mountain, and so die. Her father understanding this, forbade obedience to the mandate and oath prescribed by her husband. Still, as she seemed anxious to comply with them, the father said, "Since you refuse assent to my request, depart at once from my presence." But she replied, "I will not do that; and I will prove, by good reasons, my right to remain. When an oath is sworn, ought it not to be faithfully maintained? I have sworn to my husband that I would destroy myself, if I survived him: therefore, it is no crime to fulfil my vow, and I ought not to be driven from your palace. Moreover, no one should be punished for that wmch is commendable. Now, since man and woman are one flesh, according to the laws of God, it is commendable for a wife to perish with her husband. On which account, there was a law in India, that a wife after the decease of her lord should burn herself, as evidence of her grief and love; or else be deposited alive in his sepulchre. And therefore I think that I do no wrong to kill myself for the love of my husband." The father answered, "When you said that you were bound by an oath to act thus, you should have remembered that such an obligation is not binding, because its end is deprivation of life. An oath should always be consistent with reason; and therefore yours being unreasonable is of no force. As for the other argument, that it is praiseworthy in a wife to die with her husband, it avails you not. For although they are one in the body, united by carnal affections, yet they are two persons in soul, and are really and substantially different. Therefore, neither does this afford any resource." When the lady heard these words, she could argue no further, but complied with the request of her parent. She refrained from soliciting destruction; but though apprized of her husband's existence soon after, she would not return to him.


My beloved, the emperor is the devil. The girl is the soul created in the likeness of God, but by sin espoused to the evil one. Wherefore, in the commission of sin, there