Page:Girl I left behind me.pdf/4

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ſo boldly I’ll ſucceed him,
To fight with gun and ſword in hand;
whilſt my love lies a bleeding.

But if alıve I ſhould remain,
and him whom I adore,
I’ll bleſs the day I ſail’d away,
to ſee my love once more;
The drums and trumpet’s ſweetly ſound,
and cannons loudly roar,
To fight againſt the Gallic Cocks,
until the wars are o’er.

So may kind heaven be my friend,
and ſend the wars ſoon at an end,
That lads may ſee their homes again,
and maids their loves once more;
Succeſs unto my own true love,
and ever may I find him;
As true unto his deareſt dear,
as the girl he left behind him.


ENcompaſs’d in an angel’s frame,
An angel’s virtues lay:
Too ſoon did heaven aſſert its claim,
and call’d its own away,
and call’d its own away.
My Anna’s worth, my Anna’s charms
can never more return,
can never more return,
What then ſhall fill theſe widow’d arms?
ah me! ah me! ah me!
My Anna’s urn!
Can I forget that bliſs refin’d,