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which bleſt with her I knew?
Our hearts, in ſacred bonds entwin’d,
were bound by love too true.
That rural train, which once were uſ’d
in feſtive dance to turn,
So pleas’d, when Anna they amus’d,
now weeping deck her Urn.
The ſoul eſcaping from its chain,
ſhe claſp’d me to her breaſt,
To part with thee is all my pain!
ſhe cry’d! then ſunk to reſt!
While mem’ry ſhall her ſeat retain,
from beauteous Anna torn,
My heart ſhall breathe its ceaſeleſs ſtrain
of ſorrow o’er her Urn.
There with the earlieſt dawn, a dove
laments her murder’d mate.
There Philomela, loſt to love,
tells the pale moon her fate.
With yew, and ivy round me ſpread,
my Anna there I’ll mourn
For all my ſoul, now ſhe is dead,
concentres in her Urn.


MY names Tady Blany I’ll be bound,
Neither man nor boy upon the ground,
Full twenty years I’ve beat my round,
Crying Vauxhall Watch.
My time it being a little ſhort,
To be ſure I have had ſome ſport,
With the gentles that to this place reſort,
When Crying Vauxhall Watch.
Marcaronies, what a fight,
Then of pretty damſels neat and tight,