Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/203

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bringing her costumes to and from the rehearsals?"

"Dunno," said Chet, not much interested.

But Jess turned to her chum, eagerly.

"You know, Laura, she insisted in packing the dresses all into that box again this noon and taking them home with her as usual, although every other girl left her costume in the dressing-rooms. Did you notice it?"

"No," said Laura, slowly.

"Maybe she doesn't expect to get back until it's time to go on for the evening performance," suggested Lance.

"That's not it," returned Laura, quietly.

"What do you suppose that girl has got in her mind, Laura?" demanded Jess, as the boys were making the final preparations for their start.

"I do not know. But I believe she is the 'talented young amateur' advertised to appear at the Keyport Orpheum to-night," said Laura, gravely.

"You don't mean it!" gasped Jess. Then she added, with sudden excitement:

"Why, she'll spoil my play!"

"If she is not here to play her part she will certainly interfere sadly with the success of 'The Spring Road,'" admitted Laura.