Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/204

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"Oh, oh! That mean, mean thing!" cried Jess, under her breath.

"She is taking her costumes to wear in the production of her own play, which she has renamed 'The Lady of the Castle,'" said Laura. "She will make a lovely 'Duchess of Doosenberry,' as Bobby nicknamed it, in those robes, Jess."

"Why, Laura, I believe you are not sympathetic," cried Jess.

"Don't you be afraid, dear. Miss Lily will not appear as 'the talented yong amateur, Greba Pendennis,' if that is what she really intends to attempt. I have fixed that."

"What do you mean?" demanded Jess. But just then the boys shouted to them and they had to hurry to take their places in the ice-boat.

"Chet," said Laura, to her brother, as she settled herself aboard, "run down near the Pendleton sleigh if you can. I want to speak to Lil."

"Just as you say, Sis," returned her brother. "All ready? Let her go, Lance! We'll show these girls some traveling, eh?"

The Blue Streak was off in a moment and the way she tore over the ice always gave the two girls, at first, a feeling as though a wreck were imminent. But in a minute or two the feeling