Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/215

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72 ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY, Fear by, adv. near at hand. ' Do you live near by t * Veardest, adj. nearest Hear hand, adv. near; nearly; almost *I was iiear han' kilt'

  • Not a shot came near hand us.' * The rope was not near hand long

enough.' Veayghen, ah, a small marine bivalve, about the size of a cockle, used for bait Heb, sb. the nose ; a bird's bill. Veok, V. to catch and shake a person. VedcuUion, sK the wood anemone. Said to be derived from collem. It. for girl (Oo. Derry). Veedoessity, sh, necessity. Veeze, v, to sneeze. Veighboor, (1 ) ab. a fellow ; a match. ' A'm lookin' for the imgh hour of ma shai,' t. c. Tm looking for the fellow of my shoa (2) V. to give mutual assistance in farming, by lending and borrow- ing men and horses. Same as to Karrow. Heugh, V. to catch, or grasp a person. Hever off his back, never ceasing to advise, or scold, or look after a person. Hew-ans, or Vewanoe, something new ; a novelty. ' It's new-ans to see you down so early.' * Ye'r behavin* yerself for new-ana ' ». e. you are behaving well for a novelty. Hew-fiangled, adj. strange; new-fashioned; much taken up with some new thing. Vext, adv. near. * Are you going next the quay 1 ' Hick and go, sh. a close shave. ' It was just nick and go with him,* Koker, v. to neigh. Hiok my near, sb, a narrow escape ; a close shave. Same as Viok and go. Viok of time, ah. the right moment. ' I arrived in the nick of time^ Vieve, ab. the fist, or closed hand. Fievy.

  • Nievy, navy, nick nack.

Which han' will ye tak', The right or the wrang, m beguile ye if I can. The rhyme is used in a game played with the closed hands ; in one hand of the player is a marble, or any small object ; the other is empty. The second player isies to choose the hand that is not empty. Same as the old Engfish game of ' Handy-Dandy.'