Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/216

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 73 Hignay, Vignoy, v, to do what is useless ; to do something, but with no good result. Hignays, Vignoys, sb, pi. useless profitless doings. High han', adv, near ; nearly. Hippin', adj, painful with cold. * Ma toes is just nijppin.* Hits, eb, pi, small objects among the hair, supposed to be the eggs of yermin^ or young lioe. Hiver 'a a long day, a saying. Ho, adv, not ' III no do it.' Hoan, adv, none. Ho canny, adJ, not lucky. Ho fit, adv. not able. ' Tm no fit to draw a horrin' off the brander,* X, e, I am in the last stage of weakness. L, sb, a wooden vessel with a handle smaller than a * piggin.' Porridge and milk used to be eaten out of noggins, Hoit, 8b. ' A noit of a crayture,' an insignificant person. Ho odds, no matter. Hoole-kneed, adj. knock-kneed. Horration, sb, a great noise. ^ The dogs are making a great norration.^ Hot a founded, «^. nothing at all. Hot at himself, adj. mad ; not in health. Hot can, v. cannot. ^ You'll not can do that.' Hote, sb. A cow is said to be *commin* forward to her note* when the time of her calving draws near. ' When is she at her note f * i, e, when will she calve ? The expression seems to originate in a note that is kept of the expected time. ** For sale, a Kerry cow, five years old, at her note in May." — Belfast Paper, 1875. Hot expected, adj, not expected to recover from sickness. Hotionate, adj. obstinate ; self-opinionated ; fanciful. Hotish, V, t-o notice. Hont, sb, nothing. * I got it for noutJ Howd, sb. the grey gurnard. Same as Knowd. Hndyan, sb. a bunnian. Hurg, adj, miserly ; stingy. Hnrr, sb, a small insignificant thing. Hnrse tender, sb, a monthly nurse.