Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/217

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74 ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 0, 8b. * a round ; ' a stupid or silly fellow ; a softy. Oberins, sb. ' Wee oberina^^ means trifling work. Obledgement, sb, a kindness. Och-arliee ! int an expression of weariness or sorrow. Odd or even, eb, a boys' game. A boy shuts up a few small objects, such as marbles in one band, and asks bis opponent to guess is the number odd or even. He then either pays or receiyes one, according as the guess is right or wrong. Of^ as. ' The same of that/ i, e. the same as that. OfllEtlf sK the refuse part of ground wheat. Off and on, more or less ; there about. Offence. ' Ko offence, is a rejoinder when a person has said, ' I beg your pardon.* Offer, (I) sb. an attempt. (2) to attempt. * Don* t offer to do it,* t . e. don't attempt ; don't dare. Ogenagh, sb. a simpleton. Oh then ! int. Oh indeed ! Old-fiEudiioned) Onl-fiuhioned, adj. knowing or cunning. Old Kay day, sb. the twelfth of May. Old stock, sb, a familiar term in greeting an acquaintance. ' Well, old stocky how are ye the day P * Old wife, sb. a flsh, the ballan wrasse, Labnts maculatus. On, (1) prep, used for * to.' ' Who did it on you ] * ' Who done it on you P ' »'. e. who did it to you P There is another idiomatic use of <m in the expression, * Don*t break it on me,' ». e. don't break that thing of mine.' (2) adv. continually ; without stopping. * They would sit there and eat on.* (3) adv. ready. ' On for sport.' (4) is sometimes prefixed to the words to-morrow and yesterday, thus — * m do it on to-morrow.' Ondaicent, culj. unfair. On dying, dying. 'They say he's just on dying.* One purpose, on purpose. Ones, sb. people. 'What's the reason, sir, that Tomson*s cmet always sends them kind o* coals P ' Onset, sb. a small cluster of houses : ' McCullough's onset* Ontorions, adj. notorious.