Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/24

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WIST CORNWALL GL08SART, Baalf V, to beat. Baaled, p. p. beaten ; grieyed. Baaling, a beating. Babby-rags, small bits. F. G. Baoklet, Baokiide, a court or yard behind a house. Baokysyfore, phr. hind-part be- fore. P. U, Baoksyforcy , J. W. Bagonet, a bayonet. Bakester, a baker. Bal, a bother. " What a hal the dog es I noozling up agen me." Bal, a mine. Balch, a small rope ; a sash cord. Bal-girly a mine girl. Balk, squared timber. Ballarag, v. to scold. Ballaragging, a scolding. ** She gov' me a soimd ballaragging,'^ Ball-eye, a wall-eye. Billy hall-eye," Balioat, a cross-patch. '* She's a regular ould halacat," Poor, con- temptible. Sometimes applied to -wine, as balscai port. J. W. Balshag, a coarse flannel with a long nap, used in minea Bandeleer, a wooden toy, in shane like a thin flat reel ; it is made to moye up and down by a string which winds and unwinds. Banger, a large thing or person. Bankers and Dorsars, cushions for seats and backs of settles. Bottrell. Bankronte, a bankrupt Bannel, the broom, Genista. Bare -ridged. He rides hare- ridged = without a saddle. Barm, Bnrm, yeast. j?arm-cake is cake made with yeast. Barragon, fustian. Barraoaiit S. A. C Barro, Borro, a boar. Barwell, Barril, a leather apron formerly worn by fishermen when hauling in their nets and takins the fish out of the same. Capt.W. Pentreath, Mousehole, through W. Noye. Basaam, the heath; a purple colour. Be, baint, are ; are not ** Like Jan Trezise's geese, neyer happy unless they he where they haint.

  • * Where he 'ee going ? " = where

are you going ? Beagle it ! (sometimes Ad beagle it !) a West-country imprecation. T. C. A troublesome person is often called a beagle or bagle. '* Be quiot, you young bagle," M. A. C. Beal, a bird's bill ; the nose. " I knawed 'ee by your heal," Beat, a turf; also the verb to make or attend to a fire of turves. Beat burrow, Beat tart, a heap of burnt turves left in the fields. Bedabber, Bejabber, v, to fade by keeping in the hands. Bedabbered, p. p, as adj, faded,

    • Yours flowers are hedahhered,"

Bed-ale, groaning-ale; ale brewed for a christening. Polwhele. Bedoling-pain, a constant pain — not acute. Bedeled, p, p, used as adj, stupe- fied with pain or grief, ^ 'Tm bedded witn the rheumatig." Bed-tye, a feather bed: often called a feather iye, Bee-ikip, Bee-bnt, a beehive. Beety, v, to mend the net. Mousehole fishermen, through E. P. and B. V. b2