Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/25

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WEST CORNWALL GLOSSARY. Begibd, p, p. as adj, allotted. " 'Tis not hegihd to me " (^r hard). R Hunt, F.RS. Beheemed, adj. sickly. '^ A poor beheemed cretur " (creature). Belk, V. to belch. Belong. '<I belong at home" = I liye at home. ** I am not so ill as I belong to be" = not 60 ill as I generally am. *' She belongs to stay in to-night" ^ it's her turn to stay in to-night. Belve, V. to bellow, Belvlng, part, " Bdving like a bull" Bender, anything unusuaUygood of its kind, Berrin, a fdneraL Bin to the berrin, ha' 'ee ? " Berrin-tnne, a tune to which a h3rmn is sung by the relations and friends on me way to the church. '< To shaw our sperrits ley* us petch The laast new berrin-iune,^^ TregeUas. Besting it, going to sea when the weather looks threatening, and cruising on the fishing ground without shooting the nets, to see whether the sky will clear or not. T. C. Also commonly used for considering a thing, as * ' I am besting if I shall go to church to- night." M.AO. Better -fit. Used for better. •* You'd better 'fit ha' done what I told 'ee." Better-most, adj. best "My better-mottt drees." '< The better- most people were there." Betwattled, Bewattled, p. p. as adj. mad, foolish. "Thee art betwattled; that were afore I were bom." Bib, a small fish ; a blind. Biddiz, a mattock. Bilder, hemlock; water diopwort. BiUees, a bellows: facetiously called the Gomish organ. Bisean, Vescan, a finger-glove of leather used in support of a wounded finger; sometimes a simple bandage of cloth. Bee- gan, W. N. Bitter, adv, very. "He's bitter cross this morning." ** A bitter wet day." Biver, Bever, v. to shiver. " I'm all of a itver." Bivering, Beyering,^?^. shiver- ing. Black-a-moor's teeth, small white-ribbed cowries. Blaok-oake, wedding-<:ake. A rich plum-pudding is a blacks pudding. Black-head, a boil. Black jack, blend. Black strap, gin and treacle. An inferior winegiven to infe- rior guests. J. yf. Black tin, tin ore ready for smelting. Blast, a sudden inflammation. " I caught a blast in my eye." Blaw. " A man caan't go farther than he can blaw" i. e. he can't do impossibilities. Blind buck a davy, blindman's buff. Blink, a spark. " There's not a blink of fire in the grate." Blob, Blobber, a bubble. Blood-sucker, the sea anemone. Bloody warrior, a wallflower; also the red crane's-bill. Blowser, one who assists in the pilchard fishery. Blowiing, working in seine boats. Blowth, blossom. " There's no-