Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/241

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98 ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. Spriokly-beg, $b. a stickleback. Springer, or Sprmgin' cow, sb. a cow in calf. Springing, v. about to calve. Sprint, V. the ^ keeper ' of a chest lock. Sprig, f^ to embroider muslin or linen. Sprigging, sb, the occupation of embroidering muslin. Sprit, 8b, a mildew or disease to which growing flax is subject. Same as Firing. Spmnged, adj. miserable-looking ; starved. Spnans, sb. what is vomited. Spuds, 9b. potatoes. Spulpin, 8b. a corruption of the Irish word usually written * spalpeen,' a l^ublesome or disagreeable fellow. Spnng, sb. a large pocket Spnnkie, adj. high-spirited ; courageous. Spurile, sb. a pot stick. A small double-pointed flat stick with a T head, used for thrusting in the knots of straw, in repairing a thatched roof. Spy fiEurlies, v. to pry about for any thing strange. * JN'ow, don't be oommin' in here to tpy/arliee.' Spy hole, sb. In cottages a wall called the ' hoUan ' is built to screen tiie hearth f^om the observation of any one standing at the threshold ; but in order to allow a person within to see who approaches the door, a small hole, usually triangular, but sometimes four or five-sided, is made in the ' hollan,' three or four feet from the floor ; this is the spy hole. Spy Wednesday, sb. the Wednesday before Easter. Sqnagh, sb. the cry of wild ducks or geese. Square, sb. a squire. Squench, v. to quench. Squig, sb. Same as Skeeg. Squinaoy, sb. a quinsy. Stab, sb. a stake or post. Stab, Beggar's stab, sb. a large thick needle. Stag, sb. a game cock under a year old ; an informer. Stagger, sb. an attempt. Same as Stammer. Stagging, sb. a man's game. Two men have their own ankles tied together, and their wrists tied behind their back ; they then tiy to knock each other down.