Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/242

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GL0S8ART. 99 Stag warning, «&. a hofa game. Stake and rioa, sb. a kind of paling. Stammer, sb. an attempt. ' Te didn't make a bad stammer at it.* Stand, sb* Four knitting needles are a stand. Standard, sb. the npright stick of a kite. Stand at peaoe t stand quiet. Stand by, (1) sb, a snack ; something taken in place of a regular meal. (2) V. stand aside. Stand oS, adj, leserved ; haughty. Stand oyer, v. to warrant the quality of anything. Stank, sb, a ditch or ' sheugh ' in which water lies. Stank hole, sb, a pool of stagnant water. Stank water, sb, stagnant water. Stanlock, sb. a fish, the seath or grey lord, Merlangus earbonarius. Stapple, sb. the stem of a pipe. Stare like a stuok pig, v. to stare in a stupefied manner. StchiTen, sb. a kind of sea-wrack on which pigs are sometimes fed. Steek, V. to shut. * Steek your e'en,' shut your eyes. Steeped milk, sb, curdled milk. Steep grass, sb, Pingniada vulgaris^ used for cudling milk along with rennet. Stelk, sb, mashed potatoes and beans. Same as Bean ehamp. Sten, V, to rear. ^ Stennin' like a tip on a tether,' a comparison. Stenchels, sb, pi, the wooden cross bars in a windownsash. Step-mother's bairn, sb. the caterpillar of the tiger moth. Also cidled Oranny. Sthroe, sb, straw. Sti, adj, steep. ^ A sti brae.' ' A sti roof,' a high pitched roof. Stian, sb. a stye on the eyelid. Stiok. ' If you throw him against the wall he would stick,* said of a yery dirty person. Stickin', adj, obstinate ; stiff. Still, adv. always. ' He's stUl asking me to do it.' Stilts of a plongh, sb, pi, the handles of a plough. Stime, sb, * It was so dark I couldn't see a sHme before me,' i. e. I could not see anything at all. H 2