Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/256

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 118 Wear in, v, * The time will soon wear iuy •'. e. the time will soon pass. Wearie. ' The avldtoearie on you/ an evil wish or oxuse. Weasel, sb. the stoat The true weasel does not occur in Ireland. Weather gall, tb. the end of a rainbow seen in squally weather. Same as D09. Weaven, ^5. pi. spiders. Webber, sb. a country linen buyer. (Obsolete.) Week, sb. a wick — hence the riddle or puzzle, 'licht a canle on Monday momin', aa' it 11 bum tae the week's en'.' Wed, v» weeded. ' The garden wants to be wed* Wee, (1) sb, a short time. ' In a tvee ' = in a short time. (2) adj. Uttle. Weed, sb. a feverish attack to which women are sometimes liable. Weel-fiiured, cu^'. good-looking. Wee folk. Wee people, sb. pi. fairies. Wee knowin', sb. a small quantity; what could be perceived. Weel saired, ac{f. well served. Weeny, adj. little. Same as Wee. Wee ones, sb. pi. children. ' There was a wheen o' toee ones follayin' afther thim.' Wee thing, a little. ' It's a wee thinQ sharp this momin'.' Weght, sb. a round tray, made of sheepskin stretched on a hoop, for carrying com, &c. Weigh butter and sell cheese, sb. a children's game. Two persons stand, back to back and interlock their arms; then each,. by bending forward altonoately, lifts the other off the ground. Weill what) Well-blooded, adj. with a high complexion ; rosy. Well ink, sb. a marsh plant, Veronica Beccabunga, It is used medicinally. WeU, I think ! an exclamation of surprise ; indeed 1 Well of a car, sb. a receptacle for luggage or parcels in the central part of an ' outside car.* Well put on, adj. well-dressed. The reverse is HI put on. Welshmen plucking their geese, a heavy shower of snow when tiie wind ib S.E. or E. I