Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/257

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114 ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY, Welt fhe flure, a call of encouragement to persons dancing, Wet-my-foot, sb. the qaail : so called from its cry. Also called Wet- my-lip. Wet shod, adj, having one's boots and stockings saturated. Whack, (1) sb. a good allowance of drink. * He can take his iff^oeA;.* A profit, or a share or shoe of the profit, on a transaction. (2) Quality. ' It's not the whacky^ i. e. not the quality ; not up to the mark. Whalin', sb, a beating. Whammel, v. to fall in a sprawling way. Whammle, Whnmmle, v, to upset or knock over something. Whang, (1) ab, a thong : hence a shoe-tie. (2) a&. a large slice cut off a loaf. Wharve, ab. the spool fastened on a spindle oyer which the band passes which driyes the spindle. What ails you at ? means what objection or dislike have you to ! Thus : * What ails you at that man ? ' ' What ails you at your stir- about P ' What come on you) what happened to you) what delayed you? What do they call you ? i. e, what is your] name f What like is hel what is he likel What way are yel how do you do 1 What way is he? how is he) Whatsumeyer, <idv. whateyer, Whaup, sb, a curlew, Numeniits Arquata. Whee ! Wee ! call for a horse to stop. Wheen, sb, a quantity ; a number. ^ Give us a wheen o' them nuts.'

  • 111 try it for a wJieen o* days more.'

Wheep, V. to whistle, Wheepler, sb. a whistler. Wheetie, sb, a duck. Wheetie-wheetie, a call to ducks. Which? what? Which han' will ye have it in? a taunt, meaning you won't get it at all. Whiles, adv, now and then ; occasionally. ' Ogh, 'deed, whiles he's betther an' whiles he's waur.'