Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/258

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 115 Whillalooya. ' Singing wMlldlooya to the day nettles/ dead and buried. Whimper, sh. a whisper. Whim-wham. 'A whimrwkam for a goose's bridle/ something that April fools are sent in search of. Whin oheoker, sb, the hen stone chat See Stone checker. Whinge, v, to whine ; to cry in a complaining way. Whin grey, eb, a bird, the lesser redpole. Whins, sb. furze. Whin-ftone, sb. basalt Whip, V. to run quickly. Whish t Whisht 1 Wheeaht ! interf. hush. White, V. to cut small chips off a stick with a knife. White-headed boy, sb. a favoured one ; a mother's favourite among her boys. White horse, sb. a summons. White side, sb. the tufted duck, or the young of the golden eya Whitey-brown thread, sb. a strong kind of thread : so called from its colour, Whitterick, sb. a small swimming bird, perhaps the Httle grebe. Whitterick, Whitterit, sb. the stoat, Mustela Erminea. Whizeek, sb. a severe blow. 'A hut him a whizeek on the lug.' Who's owe it? who- owns iti Whuddin', v. applied to a hare when it is running about as if to amuse itself. Whnmper, sb. a whisper ; a private intimation. Whup, sb. a whip. Whnfherit, sb. a stoat Why but yon? why did (or do) you not? * Why but you pay the man?' ' Why hut you hut lam?' Wiley coat, sb. a short shirt of flannel, with short sleeves, open down the front, worn by men, sometimes next the skin and sometimeB over another garment Wilk, sb. a periwinkle. Williard, adj. obstinate ; self-willed. Willie Eawkie, sb. the little grebe. Also called Srink-a^penny. Willie-wag^tail, sb. the wagtail. I 2