Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/526

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INTRODUCTION. Xlh bihaaoon strakey. Zame wi' oatde. Where's the sense or razon o* stufhin and crammun a hox tiU a beant yeable to zee out o' his eyes P What is the use o' all that ere fat, I wants to know P Who is there as ates itP The ile-cake, tormuts, manglewurzle, and cabbidge as is wasted in makun one bullick a monster, ood goo to keep dree or yonr fine hoxen in good oondishn. Why, znr, they med just as well fai up stags and hares and rabbuts, ay, and pheasants and paatridges^ vor the matter o' that 'Tell 'ee what, Mecuier Punch, it, *stead o' vlingun away good provender to turn homed animals into Danul Lamberts, they was to bestow bread, and mate, and turmuts on Christians, and make zome o' them a little fiitter than they be, they'd do more good a precious zight ; and Tm bound you be o* the zame opinion. ' I be, Zur, your bajient Zaryent,

  • John Grouts.'

This is written by a person thoroughly conversant with the dialect; and perfectly illustrates the manner of speech of the people. BIBLIOGKAPHICAL LIST. 1. Observations on Husbandry. By Edward Lisle, of Crux Easton. 2 vols. 8vo.*' London, 1767. At the end is a Glossary of Hampshire Words. There is an Edition in one vol. 4to. published in the same year, which does not contain the Glossary. 2. Hampshire. MS. List of Words used in the neighbourhood of Aliesford, Hants. By Rev. B. Bblchbr. See Phil. Soc. Trans. 1845, iL 109. On application to the Secretary of the Philological Society, it appears that this collection has bng heen lost, 3. School-life at Winchester College ; with a Glossary of Words, &c., peculiar to Winchester College. By R B. M[anbpikld]. Cr. 8vo., pp. 243, 2nd ed. London, J. C. Hotten, 1870. [The Glossary contains a few words that are really provincial, the rest being school slang.] ' ^ Quoted as Winch, 8ch. Ql. *