Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/527

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XIV INTRODUCTION. 4. * The New Forest ; its History and its Scenery. By J. R Wise. 4to., pp. viii. and 336. London. Smith, Elder, and Co., 1871. There is a Glossary of words used in the New Forest at pp. 279 — 288 ; and other provincial words occur in the text. The publishers have kindly given leave to the £. D. S. to reprint these in the^ Glossary of Hampshire Words whioh is being prepared for th»^ Society by .the Eev. W. W. Skeat.^ 5. A List of Hampshire words was printed at pp. 37, 38 of voL iv. of Warner's Collections for Hampshire. 6 vols, 4 to. London. 1795. These are simply collected and copied from Grose's Provincial Olossary. A List of Hampshire Words was also pi*inted at p. 481 of Wheeler's Hampshire Magazine for 1828. After considerable trouble, it was discovered to be the very same list. At p. 137 of the same Magazine is a Dialogue between a lawyer and his client. The client's talk is perhaps intended to represent the Hampshire dialect; but it is short and not remarkable. See also Notes and Queries^ Ist Ser., voL x. pp. 120 and 256; 2nd Ser. ziL 493 ; 3rd Ser. i. 66. 6. • MS. Glossary of Hampshire Words. By Sir F. Madden. This autograph MS. has been purchased for the £. D. S., and has been transcribed for press by the Rev. W. W. Skeat. 7. *MS. Glossary of Words used in the Isle of Wight To be edited, with additions, by C. EoAca Smith, Esq. (brother of the compiler), for the £. D. S. [N.B. — This has since been published by the E. D. S. as Glossary 0. 23, in 1881.] 8. Wykehamica. A History of Winchester CoUoge and its Com- moners, from the foundation to the present day. By H. C Adams. 8vo. Oxford. 1878. Contains a Glossary of School Words. Nos. 2 — 7 are from the 'Bibliographical List' published by the E. D. S. in 1873, and marked as A. 1. among the Society's publications. An asterisk is prefixed to such books of reference as are of admitted utility.

  • Professor Skeat's collections are included in ^e present Glossary.