Page:God Manifest.djvu/132

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raries," and by the law of spiritual attraction are drawn into delightful society and companionship; further, that by the dropping of the material body with its diseases, wants, and cares, and entering into a purely spiritual state of existence, all the faculties and affections must become immensely expanded and exalted, and consequently that joys and delights must increase in the same proportion. To these considerations may be added yet another, namely, that the same law of mental attraction, which brings together the good, will also serve to remove the evil from their contact and presence, thus ensuring their security and peace. In this lower world, as we know, the good and the wicked are necessarily commingled, and more or less brought into association and connection with each other. This is a necessary effect of the law of space, which belongs to material existence, and which here prevails over the law of mental attraction. Within the same city, or on any certain portion of the earth*s surface, there may dwell both good and bad: and in consequence, they cannot but sometimes cross each other's paths, and come into disagreeable collision. This is one of the necessary, and, no doubt useful trials of our present probationary state of existence. But still it is a defective condition of things, and goes to show that this world was not intended as our permanent abode, nor, from its very nature, can be made a place of perfect happiness. Not so with the spiritual world. There, no such hard law of fixed space has power to separate kindred spirits, while it brings into unpleasant contact such as are dissimilar and uncongenial. Being a purely spiritual state, the laws of the spirit alone have influence; the law of mental attraction and repulsion alone has force.