Page:God Manifest.djvu/133

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The effect is, that like are brought to like, while such as are uncongenial, by the same law are removed from each other: being different and distant in character, they will be in fact distant and absent and out of view; for there, nearness and distance are but the effect of spiritual nearness or spiritual distance, that is, similarity or dissimilarity of character. Consequently, the good and the evil cannot but be separated: there cannot but be "a great gulf" between them,—because good and evil, or love and hate, are opposites. We may perceive, then, how great will be the increase of happiness in the future life from this cause alone. Not only will the good of all times be "cotemporaries" and consociates, with hearts elevated and faculties enlarged, but they will be in peace, and secure from all disturbance from the wicked.

Add to this, that by the operation of the same law, there can be no more partings in that future life. It is the stern law of space and matter, which so often, in this world, separates those who love each other and who long to be together, and causes the heart's pang and tear of parting. But there it cannot be so. There being nothing to cause separation but dissimilarity of mind and heart, the very wish of two to be together brings them together: the very affinity and nearness of heart to heart, of itself consociates and conjoins: being one in spirit, they cannot but be united. What a Joyous state is this! how greatly superior to this earthly state of existence must be the one where such a law, the law of love, alone prevails!

And now, there is one grand consideration more to be presented, to complete the view. It is the idea of