Page:God Manifest.djvu/139

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the spirit, the senses as well as the more interior faculties.

This being so,—then, plainly, in the spiritual world there must be objects for those spiritual senses. There must be light for the spiritual eye, sound for the spiritual ear, charming and beautiful objects of every kind. But, it may be inquired, whence is the light that illumines that world? it cannot surely be from our natural sun, for that cannot shine into the spiritual world. No! God Himself is the Sun of the spiritual world, and the source of the light there. This may be rationally seen, if we reflect that truth is, in fact, mental or spiritual light. This we have an intuitive perception of, and hence the common expressions, "an enlightened man," "an enlightened nation:" it is no light of the natural sun, that we here speak or think of, but the light of the mind, spiritual light, the light of truth, which flows from the God of truth, the "Sun of Righteousness." Our minds or spirits, even here, are enlightened from that inner Sun,—plainly not from this natural one; for if that were the case, we should be no longer able to think when the sun was down,—whereas at midnight, we know, the light of the mind often shines brightest: as the poet says, "midnight is the noon of thought:"—it is because that light is from a Sun that never goes down, the Lord Himself, the "God of glory." While we are enveloped with our material body, we see indeed that light and that Sun only with the mind's eye—the internal eye; but after death, we shall see it with the external eye, also, because the eye of the spirit is one with the eye of the mind, being only, as it were, its external form or manifestation. Such, then, must be the