Page:God Manifest.djvu/140

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namely, the Lord Himself. And that light must be as much more brilliant than the light of this natural world, as God Himself is brighter and more glorious than the sun which He has made and hung np for our lamp in the heavens.

Following up this thought, we may readily perceive that there must also be heat or warmth from that Sun, which is love, as its light is truth. Of this, too, we have an intuitive perception, and hence the common phrases, a "warm heart," "ardent affection," "burning passion," and the like. We know, too, that the face actually flushes and grows warm, by the power of ardent feelings. Hence, then, the heat of the spiritual world. From the same source is that vital heat in man, which, as is known, remains nearly the same in winter as in summer: this is so, for the same reason that man has intellectual light at midnight—namely, because it is independent of the natural sun, and is from the spiritual Sun, which is ever the same; for there is no winter there, as "there is no night there."

But carrying out the analogy still further, it may be plainly seen, that as this material globe itself, with all that it contains, is produced from the natural sun,—so the spiritual world, derived from the Spiritual Sun, will contain indefinite and innumerable objects, analogous to those in this world, though of a spiritual, not material, substance. Hence there must be objects there, as there are here, but far more beautiful and charming, inasmuch as spirit is a higher and more perfect kind of existence than matter, being derived from a Divine Sun, infinitely more perfect and glorious than