Page:God Manifest.djvu/157

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that system—the great law of attrqction; which as remarked in another place, seems fitly to represent, and, we may believe, is derived from, that law of spiritual attraction that pervades the universe of mind—the great law of love,—wherein is imaged everywhere the character of Him who is Love itself, the good Creator and Father of all.

Here, then, we may see the impress of a Single Mind, in the unity and harmony which pervade the visible universe; while, at the same time, we discern the qualities of that Mind,—its Power, in the grandeur of the plan, its Wisdom in the perfectness of its beauty and order, and its Love in the presence of that great pervading force which draws into intimate connection and union its innumerable parts. It is true, indeed, that Science has not yet grasped all the links of the great chain which binds the universe into a single whole, yet every discovery adds a new link, filling up the intervals, and bringing the scattered parts into more and more perfect connection; and already enough is known to enable it to trace the general course of that chain, even where a part is not directly visible, and to pronounce that it is and must be truly one,—thus verifying, as it were, the truth of old Homer's grand idea, that a golden chain goes forth from the throne of God, and, after encircling the universe, returns again to link itself to His footstool

But now—if the material universe be thus seen to constitute one whole,—what shall be said of the Spiritual universe, and of the connection of the two? for to satisfy completely the terms of the proportion, it should be shown that "everything that exists," whether material or spiritual, is produced from one Divine Being.
