Page:God Manifest.djvu/158

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To this inquiry, then, it may be answered, first, that if the natural universe shows everywhere order and connection between its parts, still more perfect is the order and harmony manifest in the spiritual universe or world of mind. All who have in any degree studied the subject, have observed how closely ideas are associated, one thought leading to another, truth illustrating truth, affection linking itself to kindred affection. Hence we have the expression, "the circle of the sciences." All known truths are seen by the eye of the mind, as connected together, and as arranged, too, in a certain regular and beautiful order. Thus, the truth is generally received or recognised, that the universe of mind is a one, a whole, however various and innumerable its parts. That this mental universe exists or is derived from one God, is manifest from all that has been said in previous Sections, in regard to "God's Wisdom seen in man's wisdom," and "God's Goodness seen in man's goodness." This would not be the case, were not man's wisdom and goodness derived from God: how else should His likeness be there? The work bears on its face testimony to its Author: the child, by the infallible proof of resemblance, points to its Parent.

One powerful witness might indeed be brought to invalidate the testimony in regard to perfect unity and harmony in the world of mind—namely, the existence of evil. But this is too large a subject to enter upon here; a future part of this work will be devoted specially to it, and it will then be our endeavor to show that the existence of evil not only is no proof that there is more than one Creator or Source of all things, nor any argument against His wisdom or goodness, but