Page:God Manifest.djvu/338

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A second great social evil now presents itself for consideration, namely, Tyaranny. This should, perhaps, more strictly be termed a political than a social evil. But the two things are in fact, so far as our present purpose is concerned, essentially the same. That is termed political, which has reference to government: but government is exercised over a society of men, called a nation: and the nature of the government powerfully influences the state and condition of that society, either for good or for evil. A political evil is therefore also a social evil.

It may reasonably be a matter of wonder to a reflecting mind, that the great and good Ruler of the Universe should permit thousands and millions of His intelligent creatures—their lives, their property, and all their earthly interests—to be subject to the disposal, the will and caprice, of one individual,—a man, often-times, no wiser or better than themselves. It certainly does appear—looking at the subject in the abstract—contrary to all reason and justice. And it may confidently be pronounced a state of things, quite opposed to the original order, and such as could not have been designed in the beginning by the wise and good Father of all. It is one of those evils which man has brought upon himself, by his departure from the path of rectitude,—by his fall from the state of original innocence and purity. In tearing himself loose from the gentle and wholesome restraints of Divine and heavenly order, he brought himself under subjection to a harsh and