Page:God Manifest.djvu/339

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tyrannical earthly order; for some kind of order there must be, or society could not exist: throwing off the light and "easy yoke" of his Heavenly Father, he fell under the hard and iron one of an earthly master.

This truth is set forth in a most distinct and striking manner, in the history of the Jewish people. After having been brought out by Moses, under the Divine guidance, from their state of hard Egyptian bondage,—they were led, through a series of most remarkable providences, to the "good land" promised them, and there at length firmly established. Their government was an absolute theocracy, a direct Divine government. They were led, taught, and ruled,—as no other people ever were,—immediately by Jehovah, the Creator and Governor of the Universe. Their laws were given immediately from Heaven,—first spoken in their ears, with a loud and awful voice, amidst thunders and lightnings, from a mountain's top, and afterwards written down for them on tables of stone by the very finger of God. Their leaders and judges were commanded and counseled immediately from on High, and directed what to do in all things. In a word, this remarkable people were directly God-governed. No earthly ruler durst tyrannize over them, for his life would have been the immediate forfeit, had he made the attempt. Their human governors were but agents of the Divine Being, appointed by Him, and, after being so appointed, guided by Him in all affairs. Still the people were left in freedom—as all men, to be men, must be—in freedom to obey or to disobey the Divine commands, Yet they w«re promised, as the reward of obedience, every earthly good and blessing,—fruits and cattle, and health, and children, and friends, an abundance