Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/102

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Cities (wise States-men's Folds for civil Sheep)
They sack'd, as painfull Sheerers of the wise;
For they like carefull Wolves would lose their sleep,
When others prosp'rous toyls might be their prise.

Hugo amongst these Troops spy'd many more
Who had, as brave Destroyers, got renown;
And many forward wounds in boast they wore;
Which if not well reveng'd, had ne'r been shown.

Such the bold Leaders of these Launceers were,
Which of the Brescian Vet'rans did consist;
Whose practis'd age might charge of Armies bear,
And claim some ranck in Fame's eternal List.

Back to his Duke the dextr'rous Hugo flies;
What he observ'd he chearfully declares;
With noble Pride did what he lik'd despise;
For wounds he threatned, whilst he prais'd their skars.

Lord Arnold cry'd, vain is the Bugle Horn,
Where Trumpets Men to Manly work invite!
That distant summons seems to say in scorn,
We Hunters may be hunted hard ere night.

Those Beasts are hunted hard that hard can flie,
Reply'd aloud the noble Hurgonil;
But we not us'd to flight, know best to die,
And those who know to die, know how to kill.

Victors through number never gain'd applause;
If they exceed our count in Arms and Men,
It is not just to think that ods, because
One Lover equals any other Ten.