Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/103

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an Heroick Poem.

CANTO the Third.

The Argument.

The Ambush is become an inter-view;
And the Surpriser proves to honour true;
For what had first, ere words his furie spent,
Been murder, now is but brave killing meant.
A Duel form'd where Princes Seconds are,
And urg'd by Honour each to kill his share.

THe Duke observ'd (whilst safe in his firm Square)
Whether their form did change whom Oswald led;
That thence he shifts of figure might prepare,
Divide, or make more depth, or loosly spred.

Though in their posture close, the Prince might guess
The Duke's to his not much in number yield;
And they were leading Youth, who would possess
This Ground in Graves, rather than quit the Field.

Thus (timely certain of a standing Foe)
His form'd Divisions yet reveal'd no space
Through haste to charge; but as they nearer grow,
The more divide, and move with slower pace.

On these the Duke attends with watchfull eye;
Shap'd all his Forces to their Triple strength;
And that their Launces might pass harmless by,
Widens his Ranks, and gives his Files more length.

At distance Oswald does him sharply view,
Whom but in Fame he met till this sad hour;
But his fair fame, Virtues known Image, knew;
For Virtue spreads the Owner more than Pow'r.
