Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/110

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Oswald my Brother is! If any dare
Think Gondibert's great name more Kingly sounds,
Let him alight, and he shall leave the care
Of chusing Monarchs, to attend his wounds!

This Hurgonil receiv'd with greedy Ear,
Told him his summons boldly did express,
That he had little judgement whom to fear,
And in the choice of Kings his skill was less.

With equal haste they then alight and met,
Where both their Chiefs in preparation stood;
Whilst Paradine and furious Dargonet,
Cry'd out, we are of Oswald's Princely blood.

Are there not yet two more so fond of same,
So true to Gondibert, or Love's commands,
As to esteem it an unpleasant shame
With idle eyes to look on busie hands?

Such haste makes Beauty when it Youth forsakes,
And day from Travellers when it does set,
As Arnold to proud Paradine now makes,
And little Hugo to tall Dargonet.

The bloudy Borgio, who with anguish stay'd,
And check'd his rage, till these of Oswald's Race,
By wish'd example their brave Challenge made,
Now like his curb'd Steed foaming, shifts his place.

And thus (with haste and choler hoarse) he spake,
Who e're amongst you thinks we destin'd are
To serve that King your Courtly Camp shall make,
Falsly he loves, nor is his Lady fair!
