Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/111

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an Heroick Poem.
This scarce could urge the temp'rate Tybalts fire,
Who said, When Fate shall Aribert remove,
As ill then wilt thou judge who should aspire,
As who is fair, that art too rude to love.

But scarce had this reply reach'd Borgio's Ear,
When Goltho louder cry'd, what ere he be
Dares think her foul who hath a Lover here,
Though Love I never knew, shall now know me.

Grave Tybalt, who had laid an early'r claim
To this defiance, much distemper'd grows,
And Goltho's forward Youth would sharply blame,
But that old Vasco thus did interpose.

That Boy who makes such haste to meet his fate,
And fears he may (as if he knew it good)
Through others pride of danger come too late,
Shall read it strait ill written in his blood.

Let Empire fall, when we must Monarchs choose,
By what unpractis'd Childhood shall approve;
And in tame peace let us our Manhood loose,
When Boys yet wet with milk discourse of Love.

As bashfull Maids blush, as if justly blam'd,
When forc'd to suffer some indecent Tongue,
So Goltho blush'd (whom Vasco made asham'd)
As if he could offend by being young.

But instantly offended bashfulness
Does to a brave and beauteous anger turn,
Which he in younger flames did so express,
That scarce old Vasco's Embers seem'd to burn.
