Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/112

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The Princes knew in this new kindled rage,
Opinion might (which like unlucky wind
Sate right to make it spread) their Troops engage;
And therefore Oswald thus proclaim'd his-mind.

Seem we already dead, that to our words
(As to the last requests men dying make)
Your love but Mourners short respect affords,
And ere interr'd you our commands forsake?

We chose you Judges of our needfull strife,
Such whom the world (grown faithless) might esteem
As weighty witnesses of parting life,
But you are those we dying must condemn.

Are we become such worthless sacrifice,
As cannot to the Lombards Heav'n atone,
Unless your added blood make up the price,
As if you thought it worthier than our own?

Our fame, which should survive before us, die!
And let (since in our presence disobay'd)
Renown of pow'r, like that of beauty flie
From knowledge, rather than be known decay'd!

This when with rev'rence heard, it would have made
Old Armies melt, to mark at what a rate
They spent their Hearts and Eyes, kindly afraid
To be omitted in their Gen'rals fate.

Hubert (whose princely quality more frees
Him than the rest, from all command, unless
He find it such as with his will agrees)
Did nobly thus his firm resolve express:
