Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/145

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an Heroick Poem.
As if thy sent for Soul already were
Upon her Wings, so much I give thee gon;
And wish thee left in some Successor here,
That might receive the kindness thou hast shown.

Old Ulfin now (but meltingly as he)
T'inrich him, gives the Jewell of his sight;
For strait, with Father's grave authoritie,
He bids his son, young Ulfinor alight!

Take him (said he) whose duty I release;
In whom all Heav'ns rewards included are,
For all my Justice in corrupted peace,
And for my mercy in revengeful war.

The fruit Heav'ns sent me by my loyal wife,
In age, the gloomy Eve of endless night;
Which eas'd in me the pain of latter life,
And frustrates death, by fresh succession's sight.

The Duke with passion did this Youth embrace;
Then luckie Goltho he call'd forth in view;
Who was this day in Fortun's special grace,
For though no blood he lost, yet much he drew.

Him he with Ulfinor does strait unite;
Bids neither strive the other to precede,
Unless when danger doth them both invite,
But be, even in nice Rivalship agreed.

Bids both their Breasts be eithers open book,
Where nought is writ too hard for sodain Eies;
But thought's plain Text grows easie by a look:
Study breeds doubt, where reading should suffice.
