Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/146

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But these to joyn Nature no Counsel needs;
Whom Sympathy, her secret Priest, does wed;
Much fam'd will be their loves, and Martial Deeds;
Which fill all Books that are of Lombards read.

With gracious Eyes, and Bodie lowly bent,
The Duke his Fathers rev'rend Troops salutes;
To Bergamo He holds his first intent;
Which to oppose, old Ulfin thus disputes.

Thou seest (my Prince) the faint decays of Light;
How hastily the Suns hot Steeds begin
To mend their pace, as if their longing sight
Had newly spy'd their usual Western Inn.

Too far is pleasant Bergamo from hence,
Since Day has reach'd so near his journeys end;
Days strength and yours are at their last expence;
Do not whilst both are wasting, both misspend.

You and Your wounded must with Nature strive,
Till all (whose few hours sway to day excels
Their elder Foes long reign in Camps) arrive
Where Astragon the wise and wealthy dwels.

Rich is that Lord, and rich in learnings wealth;
Art flies his test, he all Art's test endures;
Our Cities send their sick to him for health,
Our Camps the wounded for their certain cures.

Though cautious Nature, check'd by Destinie,
Has many secrets she would ne'r impart;
This fam'd Philosopher is Natures Spie,
And hireless gives th' intelligence to Art.
