Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/147

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an Heroick Poem.
The Duke with virtue (antiquated now)
Did rev'rence Counsel, and to Age did bend;
His first Course alters, and does this allow;
Then Ulfin as their Guide they all attend.

Soon they the Pallace reach'd of Astragon;
Which had its beauty hid by envious Night,
Whose Cypress Curtain drawn before the Sun,
Seem'd to perform the Obsequies of light.

Yet Light's last rays were not intirely spent,
For they discern'd their passage through a Gate,
Whose height and space shew'd ancient ornament,
And Ancients there in carefull Office sate.

Who by their Weights and Measures did record
Such num'rous Burdens as were thither brought
From distant Regions, to their learned Lord;
On which his Chymicks and Distillers wrought.

But now their common bus'ness they refrain,
When they observe a quiet fullenness
And bloody marks in such a civil Train;
Which shew'd at once their worth and their distress.

The voice of Ulfin they with gladness knew,
Whom to this house long neighbourhood indeer'd
Approaching Torches perfected their view,
And taught the way till Astragon appear'd.

Who soon did Ulfin chearfully embrace,
The visits cause by whispers he receiv'd;
Which first he hop'd was meant him as a grace,
But being known, with manly silence griev'd.
