Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/148

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And then with gestures full of grave respect,
The Duke he to his own apartment led;
To each distinct retirements did direct,
And all the wounded he ordain'd to Bed.

Then thin digestive food he did provide,
More to enable fleeting strength to stay;
To wounds well search'd he cleansing wines apply'd,
And so prepar'd his rip'ning Balsoms way.

Balm of the Warriour's herb, Hypericon!
To warriour's as in use, in form decreed;
For through the leaves transparent wounds are shown;
And rudely touch'd, the Golden Flower does bleed.

For sleep they juice of pale Nymphæa took,
Which grows (to shew that it for sleep is good)
Near sleep's abode, in the soft murm'ring Brook:
This cools, the yellow Flow'r restrains the Bloud:

And now the wearie world's great Med'cin, Sleep,
This learned Host dispenc'd to ev'ry Guest;
Which shuts those wounds where injur'd Lovers weep,
And flies Oppressours to relieve th' Opprest.

It loves the Corrage, and from Court abstains,
It stills the Sea man though the Storm be high;
Frees the griev'd Captive in his closest Chains,
Stops wants loud Mouth, & blinds the treach'rous Spie!

Kind Sleep, Night's welcome Officer, does Seise
All whom this House contains till day return;
And me, Grief's Chronicler, does gently ease,
Who have behind so great a task to mourn.

The end of the First Book.