Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/149

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The Second Book.

CANTO the First.

The Argument.
Verona by the Poet's Pencil drawn;
Where Hurgonil did meet the early dawn:
Her wealth shown by each Dwellers early'r care;
Which soon by others peace, she reap'd by war.
The slain, whose life her safetie was and pride,
Are now in death their Fun'ral Rites deny'd.

SUnk near his Evening Region was the Sun,
When Hurgonil with his lamented Load,
And faithfull Tybalt their sad march begun
To Fair Verona, where the Court aboad.

They slowly rode till Night's dominion ceast;
When infant Morn (her scarce wak'd beams display'd)
With a scant face peept shylie through the East,
And seem'd as yet of the black world afraid.

But by increase of swift expansive light,
The lost Horizon was apparent grown,
And many Tow'rs salute at once their sight;
The distant boasts of an Imperial Town.
