Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/151

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an Heroick Poem.
And now they might arrest their wand'ring sight
With that which makes all other Objects lost;
Makes Lombard greatness flat to Roman height,
And Modern Builders blush, that else would boast:

An Amphytheater which has controll'd
Unheeded conquests of advancing Age,
Winds which have made the trembling world look old,
And the uncivil Goth's malicious rage.

This great Flaminius did in youth erect,
Where Cities sat to see whole Armies play
Death's serious part: but this we may neglect
To mark the bus'ness which begins with day.

As Day now op'ning fils the Hemisphear,
And all at once; so quickly ev'ry street
Does by an instant op'ning full appear,
When from their dwellings busie Dwellers meet.

From wider Gates Oppressours sally there;
Here creeps th'afflicted through a narrow Door;
Groans under wrongs he has not strength to bear,
Yet seeks for wealth to injure others more.

And here the early Lawyer mends his pace,
For whom the earlier Cliant waited long;
Here greedy Creditours their Debtours chace,
Who scape by herding in th' indebted Throng.

Th' advent'rous Merchant, whom a Storm did wake,
(His Ships on Adriatick Billows tost)
Does hope of Eastern winds from Steeples take,
And hastens there a Currier to the Coast.
