Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/152

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Here through a secret Postern issues out
The skar'd Adult'rer, who out-slept his time;
Day, and the Husbands Spie alike does doubt,
And with a half hid face would-hide his crime.

There from sick mirth neglectful Feasters reel;
Who cares of want in wine's false Lethe sleep.
There anxious empty Gamsters homeward steal,
And fear to wake, ere they begin to sleep.

Here stooping Lab'rers slowly moving are;
Beasts to the Rich, whose strength grows rude with ease;
And would usurp, did not their Rulers care,
With toile and tax their furious strength appease.

There th' Aged walk, whose needless carefulness
Infects them past the Mindes best med'cin, sleep;
There some to Temples early vows address,
And for th'ore busie world most wisely weep.

To this vast Inn, where Tydes of strangers flow,
The Morn and Hurgonil together came;
The Morn, whose Dewy wings appear'd but slow,
When Men the motion mark'd of swifter Fame.

For Fame (whose journeys are through waies unknown,
Traceless and swift, and changing as the wind)
The Morn and Hurgonil had much out-gone,
Whilst temp'rate Truth mov'd patiently behind.

For some the Combat (to a Batail grown)
Did apprehend in such prodigious shape,
As if their living to the Dead were gone,
And onely Fame did by her Wings escape.
