Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/153

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an Heroick Poem.
Some said this Hunting falsely was design'd,
That by pretence both Factions might prepare
Their Armies to contest for Rhodalind,
The Crown's chief Jewel, and Reward of War.

And some report (so far they range from Truth
Who for intelligence must follow Fame)
That then from Bergamo th'encamped Youth,
With Gondibert, to this dire Hunting came.

And some, that Oswald had enlarg'd his Train
With the old Troops by his bold Father led;
And that of these the nobler half were slain,
The rest were to their Camp at Brescia fled.

And as dire Thunder rowling ore Heav'ns vault,
By murmure threatens, ere it kills aloud;
So was this fatal news in whisper brought,
Which menac'd, ere it struck the list'ning Croud.

But Rumour soon to high extreams does move,
For first it Oswald nam'd with dreadfull voice;
Then said that Death had widow'd Truth and Love,
By making Gondibert the second choice.

And to all hearts so dear was Gondibert,
So much did Pitie, Oswald's Valour prise,
That strait their early bus'ness they desert,
And fix on wounded Hurgonil their Eyes.

Him when by perfect day they sadly knew,
Through hiddē wounds, whose blood his beauty stain'd,
Even from the Temples, Angels soon withdrew,
So sawcely th'afflicted there complain'd.
