Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/154

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The People straight united clamour gave,
Shriek'd loud like Sea-men split on a strange Coast;
As if those Pow'rs were deaf who should them save,
And Pray'rs no louder than the winds were lost.

Now, with impatience urg'd, he does declare
Whom he so mournfully in Fun'ral brought;
The publick losses of a private war,
Who living, love, and valour, dying taught.

For he does Hugo and Arnoldo name,
To these (said he) Verona Cradles gave,
And since in forreign Fields they rais'd her Fame,
They challenge here, though much too soon, a Grave.

Bring sprinklings, Lamps, and th'Altar's precious breath;
All Rites which Priests have prudently devis'd,
Who gratefully a rev'rence teach to death;
Because they most by dying men are pris'd.

But though our loss we justly may complain,
Though even by Priests authority we grieve;
Yet Heav'n's first bounty, Life, let none disdain,
Since Gondibert, our chief Delight, does live.

This heard, as Sea-men near a Shore unknown,
Who their North Guide lose in a Stormy night,
His absence with distracted silence moan,
And loudly welcome his return to sight:

So when their great Conductor seem'd to be
Retir'd to endless shades amongst the slain,
With silent grief they seem'd as dead as he,
But with new life welcom'd his life again.
