Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/160

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This said, Wars cause these Priests no more debate,
They knew, War's Justice none could ere decide;
At that more specious name they open strait,
And sacred Rites of Fun'ral they provide.

How vain is Custom, and how guilty Pow'r?
Slaughter is lawfull made by the excess;
Earth's partial Laws, just Heav'n must needs abhor,
Which greater crimes allow, and damn the less.

CANTO the Second.

The Argument.
Fame's progress through Verona, when she brings
Ill news enlarg'd, as her extended wings.
The Combat's cause shakes Aribert's great mind;
And the effects more conquers Rhodalind.
Meek Orna's fears, proud Gartha's bold disdain;
And Laura kindly dying for the Slain.

TO Streets (the Peoples Region) early Fame
First brought this grief, which all more tragick make;
And next, to the triumphant Court she came,
Where prosp'rous Pow'r sleeps long, though Sutors wake;

But yet the early King (from Childhood bred
To dangers, toyls, and courser wants of war)
Rose up to rule, and left soft Love in bed,
Could conquer Lands and Love, but stoopt to Care.
