Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/161

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an Heroick Poem.
Care, that in Cloysters onely seals her Eies,
Which Youth thinks folly, Age as wisdom owns;
Fools by not knowing her, out live the wise;
She Visits Cities, but she dwells in Thrones.

Care, which King Aribert with Conquest gain'd,
And is more sure to him than Realms intail'd;
Wak'd him to know why Rumor thus complain'd,
Or who in battail bled, or who prevail'd?

Young Hurgonil (who does his wounds conceal,
Yet knew it did his dutious care import
That some just witness should his cause reveal)
Sent Tybalt to appease, and tast the Court.

To that proud Palace which once low did lie
In Parian Quarries, now on Columes stands:
Ionique Props that bear their Arches high,
Which conquer'd treasure rais'd with Tuscan Hands.

So vast of heighth, to which such space did fit
As if it were o're-cyz'd for Modern Men;
The ancient Giants might inhabit it;
And there walk free as winds that pass unseen,

The Monarch's wealth this shew'd in all the parts;
But the attendant Guards denote him wise;
Who on the weather of his Peoples hearts,
For a short Course, not voyages, relies.

Through many Guards (all watchful, calm, and bold)
Tybalt did pass the first magnifick Square;
And through ascents does enter to behold,
Where the States Head and Eies assembled are.
