Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/165

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an Heroick Poem.
I did advance (though with some jealous pain)
A forward virtue to my subjects love;
Lest one less temp'rat should their favour gain;
Whom their unstudy'd choice would more approve.

To thee sage Hermegild my self I leave,
My fame and pow'r: Thee action cannot waste;
Caution retard, nor promptitude deceave;
Slowness belate, nor Hope drive on too fast.

Think Hubert Heir to Oswald's bold pretence;
To whom the Camp at Brescia is inclin'd;
The Duke at Bergamo will seek defence;
And these are seeds of war for Rhodalind.

This said, his Councel he dismiss'd, who spy'd
A growing rage, which he would fain conceal;
They durst but nicely search, what he would hide,
Lest they inflame the wound that else might heal.

They haste to sev'ral Cares, some to allay
Court's hectick Feaver, Faction (which does reign
Where Luxury, the Syre of Want, does sway)
Some to appease th'Alliance of the slain.

But Order now bids us again pursue
Th' unweary'd Motion of unhappie Fame;
From Fields to Streets, from Streets to Court she flew;
Where first she to the Kings Apartment came.

Thence through the Palace she her wings did air;
And as her Wings, her Tongue too never ceas'd;
Like restless Swallows in an Evening fair:
At last does on a peacefull dwelling rest.
