Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/166

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Where Sleep does yet that gentle Sex possess,
Who ne'r should more of Care's rude wakings know,
But what may help sad Lovers to success;
Or imp Loves wings when Hymen thinks them slow.

There Lovers seek the Royal Rhodalind;
Whose secret breast was sick for Gondibert;
And Orna, who had more in publick pin'd
For Hurgonil, the Monarch of her heart.

And there the killing Laura did reside;
See, of whose Eyes the Lombard Youth Complain;
Yet often she for noble Arnold di'd;
And knew not now her Murderer was slain.

Nor Hugo, who was all with love indu'd;
Whom still with tears the Lombard Ladies name;
Esteeming Modern Lovers false, and rude,
And Poets falser when they sing their fame.

These Beauties (who could soften Tyrant Kings)
Sleep now conceal'd within there Curtains shade;
Till rudely Fame, by shaking loud her wings
Disturb'd their Eyes, and their wak'd hearts dismay'd.

They heard in parcels by imperfect sound,
A tale too dismal to be understood;
That all their Lovers lay in hallow'd ground;
Temples their Bodies hid, the Fields their bloud.

That this dire Morn to sad Verona brought
The Duke and Oswald, of lov'd life depriv'd;
And that of all who their fierce battel fought,
Onely the mangled Hurgonil surviv'd.
