Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/173

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an Heroick Poem.
She would not have it waste, nor publick grow,
But last conceal'd like that in Tullia's Urn;
Or that which prosp'rous Chymists nicely show;
Which as it thrives, must more in private burn.

Yet straight (grown valiant with her Victors fate)
She would have Hymen hold his Torches high;
And Love's fire priz'd, as Vestals theirs did rate;
Which none durst quench, though free to ev'ry eye.

Resolves her love whilst this new valour lasts,
Shall undisguis'd her Father's sight endure;
And Orna now to her dear Lover hastes;
Whose outward wounds stay for her inward cure.

But here a wonder may arrest our thought,
Why Tybalt (of his usual pity void)
To such sost Ears these direfull sorrows brought,
Since to the King he onely was employ'd?

But these are Ridles of mysterious Love!
Tybalt in private long for Laura pin'd;
And try'd how Arnold would her passion move
In death, who living ever fill'd her mind?

And by this trial how she Arnold us'd,
He gravely meant to urge or stay his heart;
But much by Love the Cautions are abus'd,
Who his wild Ridles would reduce to Art.