Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/174

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CANTO the Third.

The Argument.
Dead Oswald to his Camp by Hubert brought;
The Camp from pitie, are to furie wrought;
Yet find, when Gartha's looks does them surprise,
Their forward Hands diverted by their Eyes:
Till with her voice new urg'd, they deeds pursue
Which ever Revenge would, had it Eyes, eschew.

WHen from the fatal Forrest Hubert rode,
To Brescia he and Borgie bent their way;
That their, though dead, yet much important Load,
They might with horrour to the Camp convay.

Revenge, impatient Hubert proudly sought!
Revenge, which even when just the wise deride;
For on past wrongs we spend our time and thought,
Which scarce against the future can provide.

But Fame before him came, where those are b•ed
Who to her dismal Tales, faint credit give;
Who could not think their mighty Oswald dead,
Whilst they unconquer'd and unwounded live.

Nor could Fame hope to make this Camp her Seat;
Her Tales, the talking, idle, fearfull, hear;
But these are silent as in stoln retreat,
Busie as life, and like the Dead, past fear.

Near Mela's flowry Bank this Army lay,
Which Oswald's Syre, and Oswald oft had led
Against the Vandals King; and twice the Day
They gain'd, whilst he from them and Empire fled.
