Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/177

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an Heroick Poem.
Some would to Bergamo their Ensignes bear,
Against those Youth which Gondibert had led;
Whom they in sacrifice would offer there,
T'appease the living, and revenge the dead.

And some (to shew their rage more eminent(
Would to Verona march, and there do deeds
Should make the shining Court in blacks lament,
And weep, whilst the Victorious Faction bleeds.

Hubert (who saw Revenge advance so fast,
Whilst Prudence, slower pac'd was left behind)
Would keep their anger bent, yet slack their haste;
Because the rash fall oftner then the blind.

He first their melting Pity kindly prais'd,
Which water'd Anger's forge, and urg'd their fire;
That like to Meteors lasts by being rais'd,
But when it first does sink, does strait expire.

Commends their anger, yet that flame he prays
May keep the temp'rate Chymicks equal heat;
That they in furie might not need allays,
Nor charge so rashly as to want retreat.

Begs they this dismal night would there remain,
And make the hopeful Morn their Guid; whilst Grief
(Which high Revenge, as tameness should disdain)
Sleep shall conceal, and give his wounds relief.

He Vasco, Paradine, and Dargonet,
With Oswald, to the red Pavilion sent;
(Death's equal Pris'ners now for Nature's debt)
And then retires with Borgio to his Tent.
