Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/178

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This is the night the Brescians so bemoan'd;
Who left their beds, and on then walls appear'd;
As if th'oppressed World in Earth-quakes groan'd,
Or that some ruin'd Nation's sighs they heard;

Admir'd what in that Damp such griefs could raise,
Where serious Death so oft had been abus'd,
When even their sportive Fencers Monthly Plays
Profan'd that shape, which States for terror us'd.

Yet this loud mourning will no wonder breed,
When we with life lay Oswald's errors by,
And use him as the Living use the Dead;
Who first allow men virtue when they die.

Still lib'ral of his life, of wealth as free;
By which he chief in fighting Crowds became;
Who must their Leaders Valors often see;
And follow them for bounty more than fame.

This gen'ral mourning was to loudness rais'd,
By shewing Gifts he gave, and wounds he took;
They chid at last his life which they had prais'd,
Because such virtue it so soon forsook.

Now Night, by Grief neglected, hastes away!
And they the Morn's officious Usher spie,
The closs Attendant on the Lord of Day;
Who shows the warmer of the World is nigh.

And now the Drums, the Camps low Thunder, make
War's thick united noise from ev'ry Guard;
Though they Reveillees scorn, whom grief does wake,
And sleep, think Nature's curse, not toyls reward.
