Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/183

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an Heroick Poem.
And so she turn'd her Face, not as to grieve
At ruin, but to lisence what she rais'd;
Whilst they (like common Throngs) all Tongues believe
When Courts are tax'd, but none when they are prais'd.

Like Commets, Courts afflict the Vulgar Eye;
And when they largest in their glory blaze,
People through ignorance think plagues are nigh,
And till they waste with mourning wonder gaze.

These scorn the Courts dissertion for their age;
The Active, ease impos'd, like pain endure;
For though calm rest does Ages pains asswage,
Yet few the sickness own to get the cure.

To Heav'n they lift their looks! whose Sun ne'r saw
Rage so agreed, as now he does behold;
Their shining swords all at an instant draw,
And bade him judge next day if they were old!

And of Verona wish'd him take his leave;
Which ere his third return they will destroy,
Till none shall guess by ruins where to grieve,
No more than Phrygians where to weep for Troy.

Thus Bergamo is soon forgot, whilst all
Aloud, Verona cry! Verona must
(That reach'd the Clouds) low as her Quaries fall!
They Court they'l bury in the Cities dust.